- The Fortran95 Computer Code for Finite-Difference Numerical Generation and Simulation of a 1D Seismic Wavefield in a 1D Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Medium Using the Displacement-Stress Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Scheme
- The Fortran95 Computer Code for Finite-Difference Numerical Generation and Simulation of a 1D Seismic Wavefield in a 1D Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Medium Using the Displacement-Velocity-Stress Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Scheme
- The Fortran95 Computer Code for Finite-Difference Numerical Generation and Simulation of a 1D Seismic Wavefield in a 1D Heterogeneous Viscoelastic Medium Using the Velocity-Stress Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Scheme
- 2DSPEC-2.0
- A parallel/serial 2d spectral element code for wave propagation and rupture dynamics
- The program is designed for computation of seismic wavefields in 3D heterogeneous surface geological structures with planar free surface due to surface and near-surface point doublecouple sources
- Analytical_Anelastic
- An analytical solution to anelastic wave propagation in a homogenous medium
- Analytical_Poroelastic
- An analytical solution to poroelastic wave propagation in a homogenous medium
- Couplage
- Modelling of propagation of surface waves in 3D structures by mode coupling method
- Direct Solution Method
- DSM software for calculating full wave synthetics in a laterally homogeneous spherically symmetric earth model
- Exact 2D Response For VACUUM/ELASTIC Interface, Directional Source (Lamb's Problem)
- Exact 2D Response For ACOUSTIC/ELASTIC or ELASTIC/ELASTIC Interface, Compressional Source
- Exact 2D Response for Vacuum/Elastic Interface, Compressional Source (Garvin's Problem)
- FD3S
- Finite-difference solver of the elastic wave equation in a spherical section. FD3S allows to model seismic wave attenuation as well as anisotropy with radial symmetry axis. The finite difference scheme is of fourth order in space and of second order in time. Arbitrarily complex Earth models can easily be included.
- FD3S(AD)
- FD3S(AD) is an extension of FD3S (see above) that allows to compute the derivative of an objective functional defined on a recorded seismic wavefield with respect to the model parameters. The computation of the derivative is based on the adjoint method.
- Fd2d
- This is a very simple training code for Finite Differences (FD) in 2D.
- Calculation of synthetic seismograms for global, spherically symmetric media based in direct evaluation of Green's functions
- Gar6more 3D
- Analytical Solutions of Waves Propagation Problems in Stratified Media in 3D.
- Gar6more 2D
- Analytical Solutions of Waves Propagation Problems in Stratified Media in 2D.
- HS3M_4M
- Fault zone waves: Analytical solutions
- ISOLA moment tensor retrieval software package
- Fortran code ISOLA to retrieve isolated asperities from regional or local waveforms based on multiple-point source representation and iterative deconvolution.
- Calculates the 2 components of the 2D wavefield generated by a line dislocation at the interface between two different elastic solids.
- Normal modes
- Normal-mode based computation of seismograms for spherically symmetric Earth models
- Calculates the 3 components wavefield generated by a point dislocation at the interface between two different elastic solids.
- Ps2d
- This is a very simple code for elastic wave simulation in 2D using a Pseudo-Spectral Fourier method
- Ray theory
- Ray-theoretical approach to the calculation of synthetic seismograms in global Earth models.
- Reflectivity method
- Code for calculating the response of a stratified set of uniform solid layers to excitation by a point moment tensor source using the Reflectivity Method (RM).
- SHaxi
- SHaxi performs elastic and anelastic global SH wave propagation in the Earth's mantle for axi-symmetric geometries.
- Shansyn
- Package of Spherical Harmonics ANalysis and SYNthesis tools for UNIX/GMT environments. Required to plot model coefficients downloaded from Becker and Boschi's database.
- SismoVi
- It is an interactive application for the pre- & post-processing of data for seismic wave modelling. Three integrated modules ( GeomodVi, MeshVi, DataVi ) allow for an easy preparation, processing and visualisation of such data.
- Surface Wave Ray Tracing with Azimuthal Anisotropy
- surface wave ray tracing as described by Boschi and Woodhouse GJI 2006
- TI_analytical_3D
- Analytical solution for 3D anelastic (transversely isotropic) homogeneous material due to a point force source.
- Time-frequency Misfits
- The Fortran95 program TF-MISFITS is designed for computation of time-frequency misfits between tested and reference seismograms
- Understanding seismic radiation patterns (tutorial)
- The Matlab routine anaseis.m shows the 3D radiation pattern and the corresponding seismograms for various source types.
- Volpis is a Fortran code for source inversion in volcano seismology. The code can be used to retrieve the time-dependent source components (moment tensor and single forces) of volcanic events.
- Vphase
- Calculation of phase velocity dispersion curves
- membraneSphere
- Software package membraneSphere simulates membrane waves over the whole globe.
- sem2dpack
- A spectral element package for 2D wave propagation and earthquake rupture dynamics