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A spectral element package for 2D wave propagation and earthquake rupture dynamics

Authors: Jean-Paul Ampuero
General: Wave propagation, Dynamic rupture
Code level: Research
Language: Fortran 90/95 or later
Associated groups: Local Scale
Supercomputing: Serial
Grid dimensions: 2D
Coordinate system: Cartesian
Method: Spectral elements
Tested operating system: Linux
Rheology: Acoustic scalar (SH), Elastic isotropic, Elastic anisotropic, Viscoplastic, Other
Boundary conditions: Free surface (planar), Free surface (topography), Absorbing boundaries, Circular boundaries, Reflecting boundaries, Other
Grid type: Rectangular, regular, Stretched, regular, Unstructured
Solution type: Numerical
Total hits: 8651

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Project Description

A spectral element package for 2D wave propagation and earthquake rupture dynamics

