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Analytical solution for 3D anelastic (transversely isotropic) homogeneous material due to a point force source.

Authors: Dimitri Komatitsch
General: Wave propagation
Code level: Research
Language: Fortran 90/95 or later
Associated groups: Numerical Methods
Supercomputing: Serial
Grid dimensions: 3D
Coordinate system: Cartesian
Method: Other
Tested operating system: Linux, Windows
Rheology: Elastic anisotropic
Grid type: Other
Solution type: Quasi-analytical
Total hits: 6317

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Project Description

Analytical solution for 3D anelastic (transversely isotropic) homogeneous material due to a point force source.

Program written by Dimitri Komatitsch (University of Pau, France) in 2000 while working at Harvard University (Cambridge, USA) based on information provided by Jose Carcione (OGS, Trieste, Italy).

Analytical solution for a 3D TI medium along the symmetry axis taken from Carcione et al., Geophysics, vol. 57, p. 1606 (1992).

Computes the component of the displacement vector recorded along the symmetry axis caused by a point force acting on that same axis, convolved with a Ricker time signal (this can be changed).