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Download Portrait Template
Please spend 5 Mins and fill in your name and your info into this template and send it back to Erika Vye (vye@geophysik.uni-muenchen.de) no later than February 3. We intend to have a printout of those portraits that allows our project officer, the outside reviewers (and us) to better navigate through all the participants (LEAD SCIENTISTS INCLUDED).
Download Presentation Template
This is a powerpoint template for all presentations, particularly for the 5min presentations of the individual projects. Please keep in mind when preparing that you should put some focus on cooperation with other network partners. Please keep most of it at a level that a general scientist can follow. But also do give some indication to the network where you stand with your project. You can add slides of course just keep in mind that the time is limited! The overall structure is: Portrait - Scope - Main Results - Outlook